How to Build Your Nearshore Software Development Team

Bydrec, Inc.
5 min readApr 11, 2021

Hiring is never easy. But when you hire a team of software developers, it is even trickier. In-house teams are becoming less vital for businesses. Innovative companies are open to hiring outsourced development teams. Outsourcing helps them save cost, time and stay productive. If you decided to create your software development team nearshore by yourself, you might face many issues. And one of them is the hiring process. When building a powerful team, your primary goal is to hire experts in the field who fit your company’s culture and work efficiently with other team members.

Developing a software product with a nearshore software development team is often challenging for businesses. It doesn’t need to be, so long as you prepare for it. This is why it makes sense to use an expert such as in nearshore development recruitment.

There are several things you’ll need to think about when finding the right kinds of humans to help you build great technology products. Most of the time, nearshoring is more profitable than developing software in-house, and it’s an excellent option for staff expansion if you need some extra talent for your team.

Here are ten steps to consider when choosing your development team.

Project Type

Before you wildly step into a recruitment rush, it is crucial to work out the scope of the project, including the many tasks that need to be completed to get the job done. From there, you should be able to underscore the multiple roles required for the task. You will also need to establish the complexity of each position. When identifying the scope of the project, you need to really dig deep and recognize (accurately) components for development. Is this interface, integration, or high loading?

Discuss Project Goals

Merely allocating a project to a nearshore team without explaining the goals behind it lands companies in trouble. Suppose the in-house team doesn’t communicate the full-product concept, target users, and ultimate goals. In that case, the nearshore team won’t have a clear image of what they are building. While the development team will have the skills to get the software developed in a technical sense, it may not satisfy all of the company’s project goals.

Avoid Micromanagement

It isn’t easy to hand off a project to another team and hope that it gets completed. However, suppose the hiring company attempts to micromanage the work of the nearshoring crew to compensate for this. In that case, it will only lead to frustration and annoyance among the outside unit. Micromanagement is a damaging practice that breaks down the trust between employees and the employer. This translates to lost time and lower productivity.


While communication is critical in the nearshoring process, it’s also essential for hiring companies to trust that they have hired the best team of specialists possible. Communicate regularly through easily understandable language. It’s usually easy to communicate within an in-house team as team members can be only a few steps away. You should strive then to share with nearshore teams even more frequently than you would with in-house employees. This ensures that all is clear and there is no confusion despite the distance between the in-house and outsourced employees. One way to avoid ambiguous communications is to appoint assigned points of contact and project managers responsible for communication with the teams. These managers know how to handle teams and management practices to achieve company goals.

Release of Software

You need to know how fast you need to turn your project around. Knowing timelines and comparing that with team capacity will also help you select the right team members for the project. If it’s a quick completion time, then it’s best to fill your team with more senior staff, as any learning curve will be less steep. They are likely to work a lot faster than your junior team members.

Your Tech Lead

In the ideal world, start with a strong tech lead who will guide your project team. Your tech lead will accurately predict almost all of the risk in the architecture, do several critical reviews of the structure, and work in a stable and productive lead time.

Check The Company Portfolio

Take a look at the nearshore hiring company’s case studies section or portfolio and read the descriptions of their projects. Pay attention to details such as:

  • tech stacks
  • team sizes
  • delivery timelines

Large development agencies have much expertise in projects delivered for various industries. At the same time, smaller firms focus on niche industries, products, or technologies. But don’t write off a development company because of its small size — this could be an advantage. Instead of hiring a jack of all trades, you could go for more focused services and relevant expertise.

Treat the Nearshore Team as a Partner

Every hiring organization should treat the hired nearshore outsourcing company as their business partner. Treating these team members as trusted equals and trustworthy partners in the process will make them feel like a part of the team and boost morale and make them want to work harder.

Don’t Forget About QA

Having a QA engineer in a team is a must. This person is tasked to avoid technical debt during the initial stages of software development and ensure that everything works correctly before the release. Also, a QA engineer will make sure that your software product meets all the requirements and boosts team efficiency by testing the product during the development.

Contract and Negotiations

To team with a software development agency, you need to sign some necessary contracts:

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

Make sure that the NDA is mutual and doesn’t include any obligation other than secrecy. These are pretty straightforward and a standard in the industry.

Master services agreement (MSA)

The master services agreement is a contract that includes many clauses that will apply to the overall relationship between your company and the provider. This is the place that leaves you with room for negotiation.

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