User Interface Design: 5 Ways to Attract Top Talent

Bydrec, Inc.
4 min readFeb 9, 2023


In 2017, Adobe conducted a survey that included more than 500 managers. The survey revealed that the vast majority of them, 87%, were actively seeking to increase the size of their user interface design teams. This trend is also evident in Ireland, as many tech firms are growing their operations quickly. But the imbalance between the number of available opportunities and the number of people who want them means that UX professionals can be selective about the roles they decide to pursue. This means employers need to be more committed when trying to fill positions, and they need to compete with well-known companies if they are going to be able to hire the most talented people in the UX field. Read on to learn how to attract top user interface design talent.

What motivates skilled user interface designers to pursue their profession?

Most talented UX specialists search for six fundamental qualities in a possible employer.

Engaging Projects

To draw in talented and hardworking personnel, you should invest some effort into ensuring they will have the opportunity to work on stimulating assignments and tackle significant tasks.

Frustrating administrative processes are something that creative individuals often find unbearable, and a report on emphasizes that UX professionals are no exception. To ensure you don’t repel skilled workers, show that you will not hinder their work process by making them complete unnecessary tasks or implementing excessive regulations.

If you cannot make such a guarantee, it may be beneficial to analyze your internal procedures. A certain degree of bureaucracy is necessary — particularly if you need to support decisions to higher-ups in the company — but difficulty obtaining approval for UX changes, or pushback from other departments, is likely to impede your progress.

Experienced UX designers are adept at recognizing when an organization needs an effective system for utilizing their skills. Many skilled developers, programmers, and engineers are committed to UX procedures, so if your setup needs to be organized, you may have difficulty recruiting talented individuals.

A Powerful Story

User Experience experts are also keen to tell stories. They want to bring significant improvement and need to sense that they are having an effect.

To attract talented employees, more is needed to provide exciting projects and a competitive salary. Delivering a powerful story, a justification for the organization’s activities, and a compelling reason for them to join your team is essential.

It doesn’t have to be a considerable ambition either. It can be sufficient to illustrate how your product (or service) impacts people’s lives and demonstrate to potential candidates that they will get the chance to influence that connection.


The leading technology companies such as Google and Apple have set a high bar regarding workplace culture, and it is essential to realize that most UX professionals anticipate more than just a standard office atmosphere.

Experienced industry experts rarely have exaggerated desires. However, they are conscious that UX designers/engineers may be distributed among numerous squads and cut off from their colleagues. Although activities like table tennis may not be necessary, the assurance of companionship, joint effort, and artistic autonomy is usually sufficient to attract skilled people.

A Defined Role

Many UX practitioners are put off by ambiguous job postings or roles that do not appear to have a specified purpose. This includes roles such as “UX ninja” or “UX guru”, which often indicate a lack of clear direction.

To avoid turning off potential recruits, consider thoroughly the position you are attempting to fill. Ask yourself what your new hire is supposed to accomplish and the result that needs to be achieved.

When you have determined the specifics, you will have the potential to create a much better possibility and draw in high-caliber individuals.

A Generous Hiring Package

A fair salary and other benefits usually motivate most people, including UX professionals. Some companies go the extra mile and provide creature comforts like having pets around the office or discounted gym membership, but it is optional to come up with something entirely new. Most workers are content with a salary in line with their industry, plus a few small bonuses that show appreciation for their work.

It is essential to demonstrate to potential employees that they will be appreciated and respected if they join your organization. This could include offering them chances to progress in their career and arranging regular group activities with the other staff members.

How Do Successful Companies Attract Talent?

Examining the methods that major corporations such as Google or Spotify use to attract UX specialists can provide a solid foundation for future hiring initiatives.

Google typically pursues a policy of complete openness regarding job postings. As opposed to attempting to assemble a description of the “ideal” applicant for a job, they spend time forming a job description that:

-has defined the particular need that they are looking to meet

-outlined the qualifications and qualities they are seeking in a potential hire-

specified the tasks involved in the role

-indicated how the position fits into the larger organization.

Google’s Venture group expressed that this allows hopeful candidates to recognize that the organization has considered the actualities of their position and demonstrates to individuals that they comprehend what they need. Google is known for its openness in acknowledging shortcomings and expressing the need for potential employees to be problem-solvers instead of merely becoming a part of their ever-growing operation.

Spotify utilizes an exciting strategy, but there are many similarities. Spotify has created a powerful team of UX designers by exemplifying their dedication to working together and developing inventive solutions.

The company has advertised the freedom they give to its user experience team and has done whatever possible to convince probable employees that they will be members of a pioneering group. Put differently, they have identified what UX designers need from their employment and tailored job descriptions to reflect those essential requirements.

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