What is PHP Used for and It’s Importance to Web Development

Bydrec, Inc.
4 min readJan 12, 2023


With the advent of dynamic websites and content management systems, an entirely new set of languages has emerged to support website development. There are many programming languages you can use in web development. PHP stands for “pre HTML programming” and is known as a programming language, as it was designed to extend HTML and not replace it. It’s one of the most popular server-side scripting languages used by CMS developers, forums, eCommerce websites, blog sites and nearly every other website using a dynamic backend system. With that being said, what exactly is PHP? And why is it so important in web development? Read on to find out!

What is PHP Used for and It’s Importance to Web Development

PHP stands for “pre HTML” programming language, as it was designed to extend HTML and not replace it. It’s one of the most popular server-side scripting languages used by CMS developers, forums, eCommerce websites, blog sites and nearly every other website using a dynamic backend system. But what is PHP used for? When a user has an interaction with a web page with PHP, the computer hosting the page will read the code segment and execute it, and then send back a response to the user. The user never sees the code but interacts with the results of the code. You can use PHP to create customized content, create logins and sign-ups, collect data and make calculations. You can also use PHP to create simple or complex animations and graphics. PHP can be used to create any kind of dynamic website, including eCommerce sites.

Why is PHP Important in Web Development?

PHP is one of the core languages of web development and has been around since 1995. It has been a part of web development since the start and is one of the most commonly used languages in that field. Many modern web applications are written in PHP, and some websites that use only PHP are among the most visited in the world. As we mentioned, PHP can be used to create any kind of dynamic website, including eCommerce sites. It’s also extremely easy to learn, which makes it ideal for beginners. Generally speaking, the more demanding the website, the more likely it is to be built on PHP. That’s because PHP is an extremely robust language and its core functionality can be extended with a variety of frameworks and libraries.

Why use PHP and not others?

Another reason that PHP is so important in web development is that it’s open source. Open source software is generally available at no cost and can be used freely. Many of the most popular CMS platforms are built on a PHP core. If you are interested in web development, PHP should be a required skill. It’s one of the most widely used languages in that industry and a necessity for many job roles. PHP is used by some of the largest websites in the world and powers some of the most innovative and interesting technologies. If you want to be in the front lines of web development, PHP is a must-know language.

Benefits of Using PHP for Web Development

- Extremely Popular — Popularity is a good sign. It means that more people use it, and more companies are hiring people to work with it. The more people that use a tool, the more likely it is that it’s going to be supported and updated for years to come.

- Easy to Learn — PHP is a great language for beginners. Because it is so widely used, there are plenty of resources available to help you master it and build your skill set.

- Robust — As mentioned, the core functionality of PHP can be extended with a variety of frameworks and libraries. This makes it very robust and ideal for enterprise applications.

- Open Source — This may not be an advantage for everyone, but it definitely is for certain segments of the population. If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on developing your website, or you want to try something new without spending a lot of money, PHP is open source and free.

Limitations of Using PHP for Web Development

- Security Issues — PHP is by far the most widely used language in web development, but it’s also had its fair share of security issues. It’s important to keep your PHP code up to date, and use security plugins and software to protect your site from nefarious users.

- Not the Best Choice for High-Performance Sites — PHP is a great language, but it’s not the best for high-performance sites. If you’re building a high-traffic platform that needs to be extremely fast, you probably won’t want to use PHP.

- Not Great for Building Mobile Apps — If you’re interested in building mobile apps, you probably won’t want to use PHP. You’ll have a lot better luck using languages like Java, Swift or Python.


Overall, PHP is one of the most important languages in web development. It’s one of the oldest languages in the industry and has been used to create some of the most visited websites on the Internet. If you’re interested in becoming a web developer, PHP should be a required skill. Now that you know what PHP is and why it’s important in web development, you can go ahead and start building your next website. Be sure to use this article as a guide and always be on the lookout for new and better ways to build your website.

Originally published at https://blog.bydrec.com.

