What Skills Should I Look for In An Application Software Developer?

Bydrec, Inc.
3 min readNov 19, 2020


Software Development Tools

A good software developer should have background knowledge of basic software development tools, as well as an understanding of new features for development tools that address shortcomings in current tools.

Skillful developers should be in a position to handle the following:

  • The Integrated Development Environment, such as Eclipse, if you need someone to write and edit code.
  • Be conversant in system dynamics. Examples of this are Jenkins and Hudson. Developers should ensure that the latest software is tested and deployed to an application server.
  • To enable your teams to work together within your organization you will need a source control management tool, like Mercurial.

Programming Languages

Computer programming is a must-have skill in the software application course. The application software developer must understand the most common programming languages. For example, Java, Python, C++, Ruby on Rails, and Scala. If you are looking to recruit a developer for web-based application software, make sure he or she understands JavaScript and PHP if it’s going to be data-heavy.

Problem-Solving Skills

The developer must display creativity in coming up with application software that offers solutions to the client’s problem. He or she must be able to quickly come up with conceptual designs for the customer to pick the best version.

Ability to Listen to and Interpret Customer’s Needs

He or she should be able to listen, understand, and interpret the customer’s wishes, and have excellent communication skills. Communication is vital so that the final product matches the conceptual design.

Mathematical Aptitude

Software application skills go hand in hand with being good at numbers. The developer must pass a mathematical aptitude test. This ensures they can handle complex computing tasks.


The ability to pay attention to detail is also important. Software development sometimes requires that a specified pattern is followed, especially with iterations in lines of code.


The developer must also keep up with current trends, and come up with new designs that address the ever-changing needs of users.


Developing software is often not a one-man show. It is a process that often involves a number of technicians in an organization. For this reason, a good developer must work well with others in order to coordinate effectively with colleagues.

Time Management Skills

Time management might sound ordinary, but it’s a significant factor in the completion of any project. If a software developer has excellent organizational skills, you won’t need to worry about managing their time.

Stay Calm

A software developer should remain calm under pressure, especially when things seem to go wrong. Servers can crash, data can be lost, deadlines can be missed, and on and on. A professional developer should be able to keep a level head and work out how to resolve the issue at hand.

Originally published at https://blog.bydrec.com.

